Hello Fall; oh how I’ve missed you

Hello fall. Oh what a time we’re living in. It’s been six months since COVID-19 began affect our daily lives. How is the virus affecting you? I find that this has disrupted my routines and I’m finding it harder and harder to concentrate on daily tasks. Things that normally took me a few minutes may take me hours. Things that might have taken hours now take days. But I’m welcoming the new season. Fall is my favorite time of year. It’s filled with falling, colorful, and crunchy leaves; cooler temperatures; hot cocoa and apple cider; sweaters, scarves, and boots; my favorite holidays and time with loved ones; and pumpkin spice lattes. What are you excited about in Fall?
Monthly Goals
I did a pretty good job of meeting my monthly goals for July. I managed to read a book for fun, stage our house for sale, outline my COVID-19 chapter, and outline my NatGeo bookazine. And I kept up with my DuoLingo lessons. For the month of October, and really all of Fall, I’m trying to keep my goals relatively simple, manageable, and achievable.
The first is to finalize the manuscript for my National Geographic bookazine. NatGeo researchers are currently fact-checking the document before sending it to me for revisions. The second major goal I have is to finish my work chapter on the Army’s response to COVID-19. I’ve been making steady progress so far and I’m feeling really good about finishing it in October. And the last major goal of the month is to move my body every day. Even if it’s just stretching or going for a walk. I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too many big goals because we’re supposed to make the big move from MD to VA in mid-October.
Weekly Goals
Each week I want to make sure that I read for pleasure. I also want to meal plan weekly, which has been going well for the last couple of weeks. Another thing I hope to accomplish each week is to work out at least three times. And I want to continue checking in with a friend.
Daily Goals
I need to create new habits. These include flossing daily, drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day, limiting my coffee intake to two cups of coffee or less, continuing to make coffee for Kyle, and keeping up with my DuoLingo lessons.
Fall Plans
The big fall plan is to move into our new home. Barring any disasters, we’re set to close in mid-October. Prayers/thoughts/good vibes are most welcome! I can’t wait to nest and Fall is the perfect season to do it. We’ll be living closer to some of our friends and further away from others. But I hope that Fall brings us together for plenty of bonfire nights and Fall adventures. My best friend, Kerry, is getting married in October and I’ll be there to celebrate her union to Heather. I bought a lovely navy blue jumpsuit to wear, we’re all getting our nails done together, and my friend Amanda and I are going to get our hair done the day of. What about you? Do you have any big Fall plans? Let me know in the comments below!