Hello July! Whoaaaa-oooh! We’re halfway there!
Hello July! How are we already halfway through 2020?! It seems like 2019 was both yesterday and a lifetime ago. COVID has certainly disrupted our lives, including mine. But I’m surprised to say that I’ve been making some steady progress on a few of my goals from 2020. I’ve been having regular date nights with Kyle. I’ve been on a number of podcasts, webinars, and media outlets regarding my book Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay: From the Colonial Era to the Oyster Wars. I check in with my friends weekly. I’m making moves at work. And I’ve even made time to read for pleasure. One thing that needs work, however: my health. I haven’t exercised nearly as much as I should. And I haven’t been eating very healthy.
So I made a commitment to myself for the month of July: track all of my food via MyFitnessPal for an entire month. The goal: lose 8-10lbs by August. I know that weight, itself, isn’t the end all indicator of health. But it’s something I’m very conscious about as part of my health journey. I found my old Tumblr account from 9 years ago where I tracked all the healthy foods I was eating. I’m hoping to use it as a guide to help me get back on track today. What are some things that work for you in your health journey?
Using my trusty PowerSheets (and my two, yes TWO planners), I’ve made some goals for July.
July Monthly Goals
- Read a book for fun
- Pay off the AMEX card
- Pack up our house/stage it for sale
- Save $1000
- Outline COVID-19 Chapter for work
- Outline NatGeo Bookazine
- Begin drafting NatGeo Bookazine
Weekly Goals
- Meal plan and prep
- Exercise 3x a week
- Check in with a friend
- Date night with Kyle
Daily Goals
- Drink 64+ oz of water
- Make Kyle coffee for work
- Brush teeth (yes, I need a reminder sometimes; yay depression!)
- DuoLingo lesson
I also have several important birthdays to remember, including my grandmother, my best friend Amanda, my goddaughter Kayleabug, my dog TJ, and my niece Jayla! I can’t wait to celebrate them this month!
So what are your goals for July? Drop me a comment letting me know: have you been making progress on your 2020 goals or has the pandemic seriously derailed you? Be kind to yourself! Stay safe. And wear your mask!
Margo Rhodes
Hi! I want to tell you about my tattooer son in Breckinridge, CO. You two sound like peas in a pod. I lived in Pinehurst and Charlotte, NC, for twenty years but have recently moved to Austin. Please be in touch! If you email me, I’ll give you my number for texting.❤️