National Geographic: Pirates & Shipwrecks!
It’s finally real! My bookazine with National Geographic on pirates and shipwrecks is available for pre-order on Amazon and will be in local grocery stores, book stores, convenience stores, drug stores, and even Wal-Mart and Target on April 23, 2021. Let me know if you snag a copy for yourself!
The National Geographic bookazine covers piracy from its inception in the ancient world to 20th century piracy in the China Seas. You’ll travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the Indian Ocean to the China Seas. You’ll learn about shipwrecks, the myths and realities of piracy, privateers and Sea Dogs, and so much more!
I’d like to thank the National Geographic editorial crew, particularly my direct editors Bridget and Kristina, for their faith in me and for making this bookazine a reality. They chose fantastic images and helped me mold my writing into something that everyone can enjoy. I am also indebted to the scholars who came before me whose work aided in the writing of this bookazine including Marcus Rediker, Cathryn Pearce, Mark Hanna, Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulus, Kevin P. McDonald, Martin Sandler, Wensheng Wang, Eric Jay Dolan, Collin Woodard, Robert J. Antony, Douglas R. Burgess, Mark Woolmer, Harry Kelsey, Terry Breverton, Peter D. Shapinsky, Rebecca Simon, and so so so many more.
Is there a digital version available?
Jamie Goodall
Unfortunately I think it is a print-only option at this time.
Just picked up a copy today! Very cool!
Jamie Goodall
Thank you!