
Below is a selection of podcasts that have featured me and my work.
- “Episode 195: Pirates! With Dr Jamie Goodall,” The Sword Guy Podcast, 27 September 2024, https://swordschool.shop/blogs/podcast/episode-195-pirates-with-dr-jamie-goodall.
- “Episode 96: Pirates of the Caribbean with Jamie Goodall and Rebecca Simon,” Historians at the Movies, 18 September 2024, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-96-pirates-of-the-caribbean-with/id1658432453?i=1000669984487.
- “History Speaker Series with Dr. Jamie Goodall and Pirate Black Sam Bellamy,” Working Historians Podcast, 29 July 2024, https://workinghistorians.podbean.com/e/history-speaker-series-with-dr-jamie-goodall-and-pirate-black-sam-bellamy/.
- “Jamie Goodall, The Daring Exploits of Pirate Black Sam Bellamy,” New Books Network, 29 March 2024, https://newbooksnetwork.com/daring-exploits-of-pirate-black-sam-bellamy.
- “The Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay,” Marine Conservation Happy Hour, 31 January 2024, https://marineconservationhappyhour.libsyn.com/jamie-goodall.
- “History of Pirates,” Marine Conservation Happy Hour, 24 January 2024, https://marineconservationhappyhour.libsyn.com/capture-of-blackbeard.
- “Episode 3.13. Black Sam Bellamy and the Golden Age of Pirates,” Dirty Sexy History, 8 November 2023, https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dirtysexyhistory/episodes/Episode-3-13–Black-Sam-Bellamy-and-the-Golden-Age-of-Piracy-e2b0qe8.
- “The Daring Exploits of Pirate Black Sam Bellamy: An interview with author Jamie Goodall Pt. 2,” Crime Capsule, 12 October 2023, https://evergreenpodcasts.com/crime-capsule/the-daring-exploits-of-pirate-black-sam-bellamy-an-interview-with-author-jamie-goodall-pt-2#episodeContent.
- “The Daring Exploits of Pirate Black Sam Bellamy: An interview with author Jamie Goodall,” Crime Capsule, 5 October 2023, https://evergreenpodcasts.com/crime-capsule/the-daring-exploits-of-pirate-black-sam-bellamy-an-interview-with-author-jamie-goodall#episodeContent.
- “Episode 25: Blackbeard the Pirate and Cutthroat Island Comparison with Dr. Jamie Goodall,” The Sociologist’s Dojo, 29 November 2022, http://bit.ly/3MjuXxW.
- “The Golden Age of Piracy,” The Mariner’s Mirror, 24 August 2022, http://bit.ly/3ZMRQNc.
- “Episode 201: The Art of Piracy,” Imaginary Worlds, 22 June 2022, http://bit.ly/3KBkz3n.
- “Pirates and Privateers from Long Island Sound to Delaware Bay with Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall–Ep 113,” A Life in Ruins Podcast, 20 June 2022, http://bit.ly/3Kc1gfv.
- “Most Significant Naval Event,” The Napoleonicist, 25 October 2021, https://apple.co/3GN2hYW.
- “THE PIRATE Ching Shih,” What’sHerName Podcast, 11 October 2021, http://bit.ly/3KbB7xv.
- “Pirates—with Jamie Goodall,” The Napoloeonicist, 6 October 2021, https://apple.co/2YupZYs.
- “Talk Like a Pirate Day is a Lie, and Other Piratey Things,” Ocean Science Radio, 23 September 2021, https://spoti.fi/3ELg3KH.
- “Episode 12: The Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise with Dr. Jamie Goodall,” The Sociologist’s Dojo, 19 September 2021, http://bit.ly/3zByrEw.
- “Arrrgh Ruined Lives with Maddy McAllister and Jamie Goodall–Ep 72,” A Life in Ruins Podcast, 6 September 2021, http://bit.ly/3GlT4IJ.
- “Pirates 1: Introduction to Pirates,” SweetBitter Podcast: The Untold History of Pirates, 2 September 2021, https://bit.ly/3GkLMok.
- “Avast me hearties! Piracy and Archaeology–Ep 18,” Archaeology After Dark, 27 August 2021, http://bit.ly/3ZMSjPs.
- “Chesapeake Bay Pirates & the 19th Century Oyster Wars–Ep 12,” Unsung History, 23 August 2021, http://bit.ly/3ZF3cmF.
- “Pirates of the World with Dr. Jamie Goodall–Ep 58,” A Life in Ruins Podcast, 30 May 2021, http://bit.ly/3zCA7xo.
- “How did sailors become pirates? (Sea of Thieves),” HeyLesson, 21 April 2021, http://bit.ly/3GlvQlS.
- “Pirates of the Chesapeake with Dr. Jamie Goodall,” Preble Hall, 15 March 2021, http://bit.ly/4128PfM.
- “Pirates! With Jamie Goodall,” Mainely History, 12 February 2021, http://bit.ly/41081sh.
- “Bonus Roundtable: Lady Pirates with Jamie Goodall,” HERstory on the Rocks, 14 January 2021, https://bit.ly/3UcTI0B.
- “Episode 134: Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay Author Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall,” Shooting the Breeze Sailing Podcast, 23 December 2020, http://bit.ly/3UaqwaI.
- “Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay,” Dan Snow’s History Hit, 28 August 2020, https://apple.co/31beo1w.
- “5–Navigating the Seas of Scholarship ft. Jamie Goodall,” Scholars Beyond the Tower, 3 August 2020, http://bit.ly/414ctWp.
- “An Epic History of Piracy on the Chesapeake Bay,” WYPR’s On the Record, 28 July 2020, http://bit.ly/3MmnZIy.
- “#133 History Hack: Pirates AAAAAAR!” History Hack, 24 June 2020, http://bit.ly/41294Ye.
- “Episode 129: Piracy and Pirates on the Chesapeake Bay with Dr. Jamie Goodall,” PreseveCast, 9 June 2020, http://bit.ly/3KBIVtN.
- “#89 History Hack: Down the Pub,” History Hack, 22 May 2020, http://bit.ly/3mdsVok.
- “Sea Control 171–Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay with Dr. Jamie Goodall,” CIMSEC Sea Control, 27 April 2020, https://bit.ly/3MsXOzM.
- “Dr. Jamie Goodall Interview Episode 9,” TheCuriousMan Podcast, 14 April 2020, http://bit.ly/3UaIaev.
- “E29: Pirates! (w/ Dr. Jamie Goodall),” Untenured Tracks Podcast, 13 April 2020, http://bit.ly/3KfiQPP.
- “Jamie L.H. Goodall, ‘Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay: From the Colonial Era to the Oyster Wars,” New Books Network Podcast, 11 April 2020, http://bit.ly/3MhgiTR.
- “Bonus Round Table: Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay with author Dr. Jamie Goodall,” HERstory on the Rocks, 18 February 2020, http://bit.ly/3MhETIn.
- “Jamie Goodall, Stevenson University,” Working Historians Podcast, 1 November 2019, http://bit.ly/3zD1gAg.
- “Season #1, Episode #1: Dr. Goodall talks tattoos, tequila, and PIRATES!!! Arrr!!!,” Scholars & Shots Podcast, December 2019, http://bit.ly/3GmykjM.
- “Episode #34 Pirates, Public History, and PIRATES! with Jamie Goodall,” The Rogue Historian Podcast, 5 May 2018, http://bit.ly/3GkMIZS.